Ionizer – SMC United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Fri, 10 Jan 2014 04:38:38 +0000 en hourly 1 Ionizer – SMC United Arab Emirates 32 32 Ionizer Series IZS40/41/42 Fri, 10 Jan 2014 03:23:08 +0000 The post Ionizer Series IZS40/41/42 appeared first on SMC United Arab Emirates.

FeaturesOther FeaturesApplication ExamplesModels and Functions

Dual AC type Series IZS42 (Potential amplitude reduction specification)

  • Potential amplitude: 25 V or less 80% reduction compared to the conventional model
    (Compared to the IZS31 series at the installation height of 300 mm)
    Potential amplitude is reduced with SMC independent Dual AC type sensor. Static electricity elimination may be achieved without causing damage to a device which is sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Potential amplitude applied to the applicable workpiece is reduced even if it the workpiece is mounted within close proximity of the ionizer.
  • Independent Dual AC type is implemented.
    Dual AC type/IZS42

Eliminating static electricity on a glass substrate
Prevents the breakage of glass substrates due to the static electricity which is generated when the substrate is lifted from the surface plate.

Eliminating static electricity on an electric substrate
Prevents the breakage of electric substrates due to the static electricity which is generated when the substrates are picked up after dicing.

Feedback sensor type Series IZS41
(High speed static electricity elimination specification)

  • Rapid elimination of static electricity by a feedback sensor
    Note: An ion balance sensor is installed.

    The speed of static electricity elimination has been increased by reading the workpiece’s electrostatic potential by the feedback sensor (option) and continuously emitting ions with a reverse polarity.
Eliminating static electricity on an electric substrate

  • Prevents element disruption due to discharge.
  • Prevents adhesion of dust.

Eliminating static electricity on a glass substrate

  • Prevents breakage due to adhesion and discharge.
  • Prevents adhesion of dust.

  • Run mode after static electricity elimination (ion balance: within ±30 V) can be selected.

Standard type Series IZS40

  • Simple operation: Can be controlled by powering the ionizer ON.
    Static electricity removal speed is improved with the use of the IZS40.
    At 1000 mm, the static electricity removal speed of the IZS40 is 3.2 s. This represents a 41% reduction in removal speed as compared to previously released models.
  • AC adapter power supply is available.
  • Suitable for static electricity elimination of resin and rubber pieces (small parts).
Eliminating static electricity on PET bottles

  • Trip-resistance during conveying
  • Prevents adhesion of dust.

Eliminating static electricity on molded goods

  • Improves detachability of molded goods from a die.

Reduction of adjustment and maintenance labor by auto balance sensor

  • Built-in type (Standard)
  • High accuracy type (Option)

Low maintenance electrode cartridges are used.

Minimizes contamination of electrode needles by discharging compressed air at the surface of the needles.

2 types of electrode needle materials
Tungsten: Ion balance ±30 v
Single crystal silicon: Ion balance ±30 v, suitable for eliminating static electricity of silicon wafer

  • High speed static electricity elimination cartridges and energy saving static electricity elimination cartridges are available.
High speed de-ionizing cartridge

Energy saving type de-ionizing cartridge
The flow rate consumption of the energy-saving static electricity elimination cartridge is approximately 50% less than that of the high speed static electricity elimination cartridge.
The static electricity elimination speed is reduced by approximately 20 to 30%.

Setting ionizer with remote controller
Transition wiring may be used.
Safety functions
Eliminating static electricity from films

  • Prevents adhesion of dust.
  • Prevents winding failure due to wrinkles etc.

Eliminating static electricity on film molded goods

  • Prevents attaching to conveyer.
  • Prevents dispersion of finished goods.

Eliminating static electricity during wafer transfer

  • Prevents breakage due to discharge between wafers and hands.

Eliminating static electricity from packing films

  • Prevents the filled substance from adhering to the packing film.
  • Reduces packing mistakes.

Eliminating static electricity from lens

  • Removes dust from lens.
  • Prevents adhesion of dust.

Eliminating static electricity from parts feeder

  • Prevents clogging of parts feeder.

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Ionizer/Nozzle Type IZN10 Fri, 10 Jan 2014 03:01:31 +0000 Series Ion generation method Ion balance IZN10 Corona discharge type Energy saving static electricity elimination nozzle:±10V or less High flow static electricity elimination nozzle:±15V or less

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  • Nozzle type: Dust removal and static electricity elimination by air blow
    Spot type static electricity elimination
  • Slim design: Thickness dimension 16 mm
  • RoHS compliant
  • Nozzle type can be selected according to applications.
  • Energy saving static electricity elimination nozzle (Short range static electricity elimination, design focuses on ion balance)
  • High flow static electricity elimination nozzle (Long range static electricity elimination and dust removal)
Series Ion generation method Ion balance
IZN10 Corona discharge type Energy saving static electricity
elimination nozzle:±10V or less
High flow static electricity
elimination nozzle:±15V or less

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Ionizer/Fan Type IZF10 Fri, 10 Jan 2014 02:02:01 +0000 Series Ion generation method Ion balance IZF10 Corona discharge type (DC) ±13V Features Compact / Light weight Compact design: 80 x 110 x 39 mmWeight: 280 g Rapid elimination of static electricityStatic electricity elimination time: 1.5 seconds * Based on … Continue reading

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  • Compact design: 80 mm x 110 mm x 39 mm
  • Weight: 280 g
  • Static electricity elimination time: 1.5 seconds
  • With alarm function
    High-voltage error, electrode needle contamination detector
Series Ion generation method Ion balance
IZF10 Corona discharge type (DC) ±13V


  • Compact / Light weight
    Compact design: 80 x 110 x 39 mm
    Weight: 280 g
  • Rapid elimination of static electricity
    Static electricity elimination time: 1.5 seconds
    * Based on ESD-STM3.1-2006 standards
  • Ion balance*: ±13 V
    * Based on ANSI/ESD-STM3.1-2006 standards
  • With alarm function
    High-voltage error, electrode needle contamination detector

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